Thursday, 16 August 2012

Tutorial - Signature Di Bawah Setiap Post

1. Korang kena klik di sini - MyLiveSignature - Creating a new signature

2. Ada 4 cara. Korang tekan yang pertama iaitu "Using the signature creation wizard"

3. Masukkan nama korang di textfield yang disediakan. Kemudian, tekan "Next step"

4. Pilih font mana2 yang korang senangi. Then, again "Next step" button clicked :)

5. Pilih size signature korang. Lepas tu, klik butang "Next step"

6. Pilih BG colour yg korang nak. Kalau tak nak ade ape-ape colour, klik kat checkbox tulis 'transparent'. Lepas tu, klik butang "next step"

7. Pilih slope yg korang suka ye. Then, klik butang "next step"

8. Lepas tu dia akn keluar "Finished! The signature is ready." Maksudnye dh ciap la signature korang tu :)

9. Korang akan ke page "Generating signature code". Then, klik "Generate HTML code". Then, klik link yg bertulis "Want to use this signature?"

10. Korang akn diberi 2 pilihan sama ada nk generate signature je or signature n sikit info mcm slogan @ website korg. Klik la mane yg korang suke, k ? :)

11. Copy HTML code yang ade di dlm textbox. 

Cara-cara nak masukkan signature ke dalam blog

1. Log in -> Setting -> Formatting

2. Scroll ke bwh sampai korang jumpa "post template"

3. Paste HTML code yang korang copy tadi

4. Klik "Save Settings"

5. Kalo nak tengok berkesan or tak, klik "Posting" tab and klik "new post". Signature korang akan automatically ade bile korang buat entry baru.  :)


1 comment:

  1. Awesome tutorial. The steps are accurate and easy to execute. I followed them and created my signature. I suggest all the readers to follow this post to create signature quickly.
    digital signature software
